Helping us, helping you to help your community

How you can help?

There are so many ways you can be part of your community. Large or small you can contribute to making Burntisland a better place to live.

Why get involved?

Be part of your community

Being an active part of your community means you have a role in improving positive outcomes for everyone. It can help drive forward social change, inspire and empower initiatives and support local projects and businesses to thrive and succeed.

“I love being part of this change I really want to see. We can make a big difference if we work together”

Beach Cleaning volunteer

Give something back

Whether it’s donating to the Big Green Market, sharing your knowledge or giving up some of your time, communities thrive and prosper as a result of people who live there. Being part of the present as well as the future of Burntisland will make us more resilient and sustainable.

“I have some spare time now and it’s good to use my skills and contribute to my own community”

volunteer BCDT Director

Volunteering is good for you

From making friends and meeting new people, to improving your life skills and confidence, volunteering is a great way to do good, feel good and connect with your community. It can be practical too, by adding value to your personal development and improving your CV.

“I’ve made new friends and look forward to the first weekend of every month- I wouldn’t miss it!”

Big Green Market volunteer

  • Do you want to join or start a group or club?

    We can help you organise, plan and lift off

  • Have you got an idea for a new venture?

    We can help you get connected, secure funding and plan for success

  • Do you want to volunteer for one of our projects?

    Get in touch, you can give as much or as little time you want

  • Do you want to share your skills with other people in Burntisland?

    The best ideas come when people start talking so let us help you get in touch with like minded folk and encourage innovation and new thinking

  • Are you interested in joining our board?

    We need our board to be diverse and representative, so if you if you want to be part of BCDT then let us know

Sound Good?

Get in touch!

If you want to find out more about what’s going on, volunteer, join a group or tell us about an idea for a project or initiative then please get in touch today.