The Burntisland Community Action Plan

Your guide to a better future

The Burntisland Community Action Plan (CAP) 2023-2028 was created as a guide to better understand where Burntisland is now, where we want to go and what issues and ambitions our people have for the place where they live.

Working Together

The CAP was prepared by a partnership between ourselves and the Burntisland Community Council. The group worked hard to make sure as much of the community was involved as possible.


Community conversations


People attended
the CAP event


Householder surveys

The first CAP took place in 2016, but after the Covid pandemic and increasing concerns about climate change, it was felt that priorities may need revisiting. It has now been updated so we have more understanding of how Burntisland wants to develop over the next 5 years and how everyone can get involved. From volunteering, to sharing knowledge, to leading initiatives – we’re here to help our community help each other. 

The CAP is not intended to be a static plan, things change constantly and the plan needs to be regularly reviewed and progress toward the various priorities noted. Reviews also give the community to have input and get behind the issues that are most important to them. Look out for details of the next review in our e-newsletters.

If you want to make progress on any of the ideas in the CAP, either as an individual or a group, then this document can act as a community mandate and evidence of need to help you.


Your vision for the future of Burntisland

As a community we will:

  • Celebrate and and promote our culture, heritage and community and make them accessible to all

  • Protect and care for the beach, coastline and green spaces and promote our wonderful access to the natural environment and outdoor recreation

  • Do everything we can to increase resilience in the face of climate change and economic pressure.

What mattered to you?

The CAP identifies 6 themes that capture our communities ambitions, objectives and issues. These provide focus to steer the actions that will help make Burntisland improve, thrive and prosper.

Download the full CAP strategic plan

You can view the full reports which helped to create the final CAP Report below: